(8) Flora: diferència entre les revisions

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Línia 16:
| mean_anomaly=156,401°
| speed=19,95 km/[[segon|s]]
| dimensions=145×145×120 km <ref>[http://www.rni.helsinki.fi/~mjk/thirty.pdf J. Torppa et al ''Shapes and rotational properties of thirty asteroids from photometric data''], Icarus, Vol. 164, p. 346 (2003). {{en}}</ref>
| mass=~3,6×10<sup>18</sup> [[quilogram|kg]]
| density=~2,7 g/[[centímetre cúbic|cm³]] <ref>G. A. Krasinsky et al. ''Hidden Mass in the Asteroid Belt'', Icarus, Vol. 158, p. 98 (2002). {{en}}</ref>
| gravity=~0,045 m/s²
| escape_velocity=~0,081 km/s
Línia 24:
| spectral_class=[[Asteroide tipus S]]
| abs_mag=6,49
| albedo=0,243 <ref>[http://www.psi.edu/pds/archive/astdata04/simps04/diamalb.tab Supplemental IRAS Minor Planet Survey] {{en}}</ref>
| temperature=~180 [[kelvin|K]]<br />''max:'' 276 K (+3 [[celsius|°C]])