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Línia 24:
Com que és molt improbable que els nens puguin sospitar o identificar que tenen peus plans, és una bona idea que els pares o altres adults responsables verifiquin com tenen els arcs dels peus. A més de la inspecció visual, els pares han de prestar atenció si un nen comença a caminar en forma estranya, per exemple recolzat sobre la zona exterior dels peus, o que en córrer cauen bastant perquè xoquen els genolls, com es comporta durant caminades perllongades, durant les quals en general el nen manifesta cansament i dolor.
Els nens que es queixen per dolors en els músculs del panxell o a la zona del peu, poden estar desenvolupant o tenir peu pla. També es pot experimentar dolor o malestar a la zona de l'articulació del genoll. Un estudi aleatori realitzat recentment no va llançar resultats concloents pel que fa a l'eficàcia del tractament del peu pla en nens mitjançant l'ús d'inserts de sabates receptats o altres dispositius ortopèdics estàndard.<ref>{{citar ref|autor = Whitford D., Esterman A .|títol = A randomized controlled trial of two types of in-shoe orthoses in children with flexible Excess pronation of the feet|publicació = Foot and Ankle International|volum = 28|nombre nom= 6|pàgines = p. 715-23|ubicació = Universitat de South Austràlia, Spencer Gulf Rural Health School|data = 2007|pmid = 17592702|doi = 10.3113/FAI.2007.0715}}</ref>
=== Tractament ===
Caminar descalç, especialment sobre terrenys com ara la sorra de la platja en la qual els músculs de la planta del peu són exercitats, és bo per a gairebé tots els casos excepte aquells casos de peu pla extrem, o aquells que tinguin malalties relacionades com ara [[fasciïtis plantar]]. Un estudi realitzat a l'Índia amb un gran grup de nens que s'havien desenvolupat utilitzant sabates i altres que havien crescut circulant descalços, va concloure que els arcs longitudinals dels descalços eren en general més forts i més elevats, i que el peu pla era menys difós en nens que havien crescut utilitzant sandàlies que en aquells que havien crescut utilitzant sabates tancades.<ref name = "Rao">{{citar ref|autor = Rao UB, Joseph B|títol = The influence of Footwear on the prevalença of flat foot. A survey of 2300 children|publicació = J Bone Joint Surg Br|volum = 74|nombre nom= 4|pàgines = 525-7|any = 1992|pmid = 1624509|url=|}}
quoted in</ref>
Les molèsties ocasionades pel peu pla es poden mitigar mitjançant l'ús de plantilles en les sabates, les quals poden ser rígides (insert foot), o suaus de diversos materials com l'eva, pelitte, pell, etc. El peu pla pot ser produït per causes genètiques. És important recalcar que els pares poden evitar aquest o altres problemes dels peus dels petits, portant-los a consulta amb el podòleg, el qual està capacitat per donar tractament a aquesta patologia.
Línia 44:
Most flexible flat feet are asymptomatic and do not causi pain. In these cases, there is usually no real causi for concern. Rigid flatfoot, a condition where the sole of the foot is rigidly flat esdeveniments when a person is not standing, often indicates a Significant problem in the bones of the affected metres, and can causi pain in about a quarter of those affected.<ref>{{citi web|url=|title = Fallen Arch|accessdate = 2008.05.27|date = 2007.12.18|work = Health A to Z|publisher = Aetna InteliHealth (R)
|Quote = Unlike a flexible flatfoot, a rigid flatfoot is often the result of a Significant problem affecting the structure or Alignment of the bones that make up the foot s arch.}}</ref><ref>{{citi web|url=|title = Flatfoot|accessdate = 2008.05.27|work = Orthopedics: Conditions Treated|publisher = Children 's Hospital and Regional Medical Center
|Quote = About one in four people with rigid flatfoot has pain and disability.}}</ref> Other flatfoot-related conditions, such as various forms of [[Tarsus (skeleton)|tarsal]] coalition (two or more bones in the midfoot or hindfoot abnormally Joined) or an Accessory [[navicular]] ( extra bone on the inner side of the foot) should be treated promptly, usually by the very early teen years, before a child s bone structure firms up permanently es a young adult. Both tarsal coalition and an Accessory navicular can ser confirmats per [[x-ray]]. Rheumatoid Arthritis can destroy tendons in the foot (or both feet) which can causi this condition, and untreated can result in deformity and early onset of osteoarthritis of the joint.{{Fact|date = Novembernovembre 2008}}Such a condition can causi severe pain and considerably reduced ability to walk, even with orthoses. Ankle fusió is usually recommended.{{Fact|date = Novembernovembre 2008}}
Treatment of flat feet maig also be appropriate if there is associated foot or lower leg pain, or if the condition affects the knees or the lower back. Treatment maig include using [[Orthotics]] such as an [[arch support]], [[foot gymnastics]] or other Exercises es recommended by a [[podiatrist]] or other Physician. In cases of severe flat metres, orthoses should be used through a gradual process to lessen discomfort. Over several weeks, slightly more material is added to the orthosis to raise the arch. These small changes allow the foot structure to adjust gradually, as well as giving the patient time to acclimatise to the sensation of wearing orthoses. Onze prescribed, orthoses are generally worn for the rest of the patient s life. In some cases, surgery can provide lasting relief, and even create an arch where none existed before; it should be considered a last resort, as it is usually very time Consuming and costly.{{Fact|date = Februaryfebrer 2007}}
Studies analyzing the correlation between flat feet and physical Injury in soldiers have been inconclusive. A Recent study of [[Royal Australian Air Force]] recruits that tracked the recruits over the course of their basic training found that Neither flat feet or high arched feet had any impact on physical functioning, Injury rates or foot health. If anything, there was a Tendency for those with flat feet to have fewer injuries.<ref>{{citi journal|author = Esterman A, Pilotto L.|Year = 2005|Mes = July|title = Foot shape and its effect on functioning in Royal Australian Air Force recruits. Part 1: Prospective Cohort study|journal = Military Medicine|volume = 170|issue = 6|pages = p. 623-8|PMID = 16130646|accessdate = 2008.05.27}}</ref> But another study of 287 [[Israel Defense Forces]] recruits found that those with high Arches suffered almost four times es many estrès fractures es those with the Lowest Arches. And a later study of 449 [[United States Naval Special Warfare Command|US Navy special Warfare]] Trainees found no Significant difference in the Incidence of estrès fractures among soldiers with different arch Heights.<ref name = "Jones">{{citi journal|last = Jones|first = Bruce H.|Coauthors = Thacker, Stephen B., Gilchrist, Julie, Kimsey, Jr, C. Dexter; Sosin, Daniel|title = Prevention of Lower Extremity Stress fractures in Athletes and Soldiers: A Systematic Review|journal = Epidemiologic Reviews|volume = 24|issue = 2|pages = 228-247|year = 2002|url=|doi = 10.1093/epirev/mxf011|PMID = 12762095}}</ref>