Prolina: diferència entre les revisions

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Robot canvia de Chembox a Infotaula compost químic
Línia 1:
{{Infotaula compost químic| Watchedfields = changed
| Verifiedfields = changed
| Watchedfields = changed
| verifiedrevid = 464215484
| ImageFileL1 = Prolin - Proline.svg
| ImageFileL1_Ref = {{Chemboximage|correct|??}}
| ImageNameL1 = Fórmula estructural de prolina
| ImageFileR1 = L-proline-3D-balls.png
| ImageFileR1_Ref = {{Chemboximage|correct|??}}
| ImageNameR1 = Model de boles i pals de prolina
| IUPACName = Prolí
| SystematicName = Àcid pirrolidí-2-carboxilic<ref></ref>
|Section1={{Chembox Identifiers
| CASNo = 609-36-9
Linha 55 ⟶ 48:
| StdInChIKey_Ref = {{stdinchicite|correct|chemspider}}
|Section2={{Chembox Properties
| C = 5
| H = 9
| N = 1
| O = 2
| Appearance = Cristalls transparents
| MeltingPtC = 205 to 228
| MeltingPt_notes = (es descompon)
| LogP = -0,06
| pKa=1,99 (carboxil), 10,96 (amino)<ref>Nelson, D.L., Cox, M.M., Principles of Biochemistry. NY: W.H. Freeman and Company.</ref>
| SolubleOther = 1.5g/100g etanol 19 degC<ref>
{{ref-llibre|títol=Food Chemistry |autor1=H.-D. Belitz |autor2=W. Grosch |autor3=P. Schieberle |isbn=978-3-540-69933-0|pàgina=15
|Section3={{Chembox Hazards