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Salutacions cordials

--Carles (enraonem) 02:32, 22 jul 2013 (CEST)Respon

Contribucions polèmiques

Hola Gràcies per col·laborar en la Viquipèdia. Algunes de les modificacions que has fet, no obstant, poden resultar polèmiques i segurament no compleixen el punt de vista neutral, que és un dels principis innegociables de la Viquipèdia. Si tens una font fidedigna que demostri el que has afirmat indica'n la referència, si us plau. Recorda que la Viquipèdia no és una font primària i que tota la informació que aportis ha de ser contrastable independentment.

Per a mantenir la cordialitat en la relació entre viquipedistes és recomanable que, abans de realitzar modificacions que puguin resultar polèmiques, ho expliquis a la pàgina de discussió de l'article. Així demostraràs tenir bona fe i a ningú li semblarà que puguis estar actuant de manera vandàlica. --Judesba (digues...) 18:13, 9 set 2013 (CEST)Respon



El vostre compte ha estat blocat temporalment per a evitar que continueu vandalitzant la Viquipèdia. Si desitgeu fer contribucions útils, sou benvingut a tornar quan el vostre bloqueig expiri. Podeu discutir les causes del vostre blocatge en aquesta mateixa pàgina. --Judesba (digues...) 01:02, 12 set 2013 (CEST)Respon

Dear Judesba, I'm waiting for your answer. I think it's really hypocrital to say I was vandalizing Wikipedia, when I was only telling the truth. Sincerely.


First of all, I beg my pardon, but I'm afraid I cannot speak Catalan. As I know many of you prefer a Spaniard from out of Catalonia to speak to you in English, rather than in Spanish, I'll give you that pleasure. A few days ago, I received a message from a user named Judesba, in which she accuses me of making polemical and non-neutral modifications in Viquipèdia - however, she was very polite-. Well, I can accept they are polemical, but that's not my problem. My "polemical" contribution was to inform that Catalonia is not a country - it is a historic region which is part of the Spanish nation- and the country of origin of this TV show is Spain. Wikipedia is an encyclopaedia and it must provide objective information. It is not a place where you can write whatever you want according to your opinion. Why do you insist on denying the truth, then? Why do you want it to be replaced by your non-neutral assertions? Here are some of the countless pages which back my position. The data they contain and the sources they take those data from are reliable, accurate and undeniable: http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catalogne (La Catalogne est une région historique d'Espagne). http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Espagne (L'Espagne est un pays). http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Espa%C3%B1a (España es un país). http://www.congreso.es/docu/constituciones/1869/cons1873.pdf (Lo nacional reside en la federación...) http://www.iceta.org/jm150178.pdf Now that I've shared all of this veracious information wifh you, I shall proceed to set Spain as the country of origin. So please, before you revert my edits again, I'd like you to discuss your point of view with me. You can answer me either in Catalan, English or Spanish. I hope I won't vex the first moments of the day after such a special day for you, which I hope you enjoyed very much. My regards.