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Consell del dia: A la pàgina de càrrega hi ha valuosos consells a seguir per pujar qualsevol fitxer. Llegiu-los atentament abans de pujar-ne cap. Paga la pena fer-ho, sinó podrieu fer feina en va que portarà més treball als administradors i per finalment acabar tot eliminat.

Non-Catalan? Ca-0? See Babel ca-0 and our welcome in English.

Voleu comentar aquest missatge? -- --EVA (bot) (discussió) 18:30, 13 gen 2009 (CET)Respon

Salsitxa modifica

You must stop deleting it. It IS a salsitxa de Frankfurt article. If you do it one more time, I will demandu you as a vandalist.--Slastic (disc.) 09:55, 1 abr 2011 (CEST)Respon

Your article says that the sausage is sometimes made of chicken. This is bullshit. Frankfurters ONLY made of pork. Also they do not come from bavaria. They come from hesse. If you do not stop putting your, sausage which is everything, but not a Frankfurter to the interwikis, i will nominate it for deletion, because the quality is poor. Frankfurers can be only called so if the produced in Frankfurt or in cities near Frankfurt. --StG1990 (disc.) 09:59, 1 abr 2011 (CEST)Respon
I see, but you're wrong and, moreiver, you don't act properly in this wikipedia. You are introducing wrong information instead of referenced one and doing vandalism in a language that you don't understand. You neither know anything of the culture in the Catalan Countries, including how is there this product, and whant it means, how is it made and normatives for this product there. If you want to explain your opinion you can, but you must do it in the discussion thumb, not anywhere.--Slastic (disc.) 12:07, 1 abr 2011 (CEST)Respon
Yes, I do not understand catalanian, but I used the Google-Translator and yes I know that this translator is not so good, but it is good enough to notice that your article has wrong informations. This sausage isn't from bavaria, it's from Hesse. I know it, because I live here. My last edits have been constructive. With them I want to correct the mistakes you made. Probably you mix up two kinds of sausages, because when I read your article it seems to be, that your article is about Viena sausage and not Frankfurt sausage. For non-german-people it is difficult to understand, that there is a difference, but it is.
Sausages from Frankfurt only can be called so, when have been produced in Frankfurt or the nearest areas around. The name is protected by EU-rights, called in german geschütze geographische Angabe. [1] see the link for other languages of this protection. --StG1990 (disc.) 12:19, 1 abr 2011 (CEST)Respon
Sure, it is so, that I do not know very much about the catalanian culture, but I know about the german and hesse culture. And with this I know that you're article do not describe frankfurt sausages. --StG1990 (disc.) 12:19, 1 abr 2011 (CEST)Respon
Also I want to say something to the pictures:

The picture with the green kale shows a Bregenwurst and not an Frankfurter. They look inside like the third picture, but more smoothier. The 4. picture: the lyoner. This looks similiar, but it has an much bigger diameter and tastes very different to Frankfurters. Something more important because I have deleted the other pictures: One shows the production of an russian sausage and not of an german frankfurt sausage. The other shows germans when the producing an sausage, but they do not produce Frankfurt sausages. The most important characteristic of Frankfurt sausages is, that they are always, and I mean really always are paired and also have all the same length. If some sausages are to long or the to sausages of one pair have a different length the do not go to normal supermarktes, they would be only sold by the company which is producing the sausages for a much lower prize. --StG1990 (disc.) 12:37, 1 abr 2011 (CEST)Respon

Bon dia i suport a Wikimedia CAT modifica

Espero que em perdonis aquesta intrusió... Em dic Lluís i sóc simpatitzant de l'associació "Amical de la Viquipèdia" Amical Viquipèdia que està maldant per a ser un Chapter secció local de Wikimedia però fins ara no ho hem obtingut ja que es diu que només es poden crear chapters d'estat. Per mor de fer entendre que els Chapters haurien de ser oberts a totes les llengües s'ha engegat una campanya de suport i creat la plantilla d'usuari Wikimedia CAT que tens a la teua disposició per tal de posar-la a la teua pàgina d'usuari i/o signar al llistat de "Members and Supporters" seguint l'enllaç de la plantilla... Et necessitem, el suport de tots i cadascú de nosaltres és valuós per tal de poder assolir l'objectiu. Gràcies i perdona la intrusió a la teva pàgina, fins aviat, cordialment:--Lluis_tgn (disc.) 16:05, 3 abr 2011 (CEST)Respon