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Voleu comentar aquest missatge?

Salutacions cordials

Lohen11 22:51, 17 abr 2007 (CEST)Respon



You can see: Viquipèdia:La taverna/Arxius/Novetats/Recent#Articles incorrectes (successors al tron). Someone maybe can to solve the mistakes.--KRLS , (disc.) 22:02, 28 juny 2009 (CEST)Respon



Gràcies per la teva invitació a participar en la discussió, però intento evitar polèmiques com aquesta. Salutacions cordials Jordi Roqué (Discussió) 16:12, 21 ago 2009 (CEST)Respon



I never speak nothing of school or back to school.

You are wrong:
  • 1) Farc is now a terrorist organization ¿Where they have registered their flag, logo or my drawing? Why say that is owned by a private organization?
  • 2) Logo of the Farc, according its own documentation, can be reproduced freely worldwide (in fact this is that they want). Some countries can persecute the artist under accusation to cooperate with terrorist organizations, but no one for violation of an innexistent copyright. Why say you that is not in public domain?
  • 3) According international law the flags are no object of copyright neither its elements when interpreted by artists. Can be discussed that happen if the logo is used by other organizations, but seems that being a terrorist organization, even this can be made.
  • 4) All papers ands magazimes in Colombia are fill of the logo. The flag photo is reproduced many times.
  • 5) I have registered my image in the corresponding departament of the Generalitat de Catalunya. Also the image is stored in the regional archive. No similar image was obtained in the basa data of international registered images, and if exist is later that the mine and never should be copyrighted without my permission.
  • 6) I don't take the image from any magazime. I made first time the image and I pusblished it in 1998 in a magazime. Before never a drawing of this flag was see.
  • 7) FARC are agree (and happy)

Seems that you are trying to find any justification to your unmeditated action, but that the logo is copyrighted is not a good option: is too many evident that it is not. Your insults and menaces are tipical; I can't forbidden you to use this tactics, as they are the common in commons. Your work in commons seems to be very scarce and poor, specially confronting wit your menaces as if you was the great boss; please moderation. --joc (disc.) 19:54, 30 juny 2010 (CEST)Respon