Llista de peixos de Wisconsin

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Aquesta llista de peixos de Wisconsin inclou 39 espècies de peixos que es poden trobar actualment a Wisconsin (Estats Units) ordenades per l'ordre alfabètic de llurs noms científics.

Localització de Wisconsin als Estats Units
Esturió groc (Acipenser fulvescens) capturat al llac Superior
Alosa chrysochloris
Cyprinella lutrensis
Notropis heterolepis
Lepomis gulosus
Morone mississippiensis
Erimystax x-punctatus
Aphredoderus sayanus
Sander vitreus


  1. Folz, D. J., D. G. Czeskleba i T. F. Thuemler, 1983. Artificial spawning of Lake sturgeon in Wisconsin. Prog. Fish-Cult. 45(4):231-233.
  2. Probst, R. T. i E. L. Cooper, 1955. Age, growth, and production of the lake sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens) in the Lake Winnebago region, Wisconsin. Trans. Am. Fish. Soc. 84:207-227.
  3. Thuemler, T. F., 1985. The lake sturgeon, Acipenser fulvescens, in the Menominee River, Wisconsin-Michigan. Environ. Biol. Fish. 14:73-78.
  4. Hile, R., 1941. Age and growth of the rock bass, Ambloplites rupestris (Rafinesque), in Nebish Lake, Wisconsin. Trans. Wisc. Acad. Sci. Arts Lett. 33:189-337.
  5. Hile, R., 1942. Growth of the rock bass, Ambloplites rupestris (Rafinesque), in five lakes of northern Wisconsin. Trans. Am. Fish. Soc. 71:131-143.
  6. Hubbs, C. L. i C. W. Greene, 1935. Two new subspecies of fishes from Wisconsin. Transactions of the Wisconsin Academy of Sciences Arts and Letters, vol. 29: 89-101, Pl. 1-2.
  7. Spoor, W. A., 1938. Age and growth of the sucker, Catostomus commersonnii (Lacépède), in Muskellunge lake, Villas County, Wisconsin. Trans. Wisconsin Academy of Sci., Arts and Letters 31:457-503.
  8. Kleinert, S. J. i D. Mraz, 1966. Life history of the grass pickerel, (Esox americanus vermiculatus) in southeastern Wisconsin. Wis. Conserv. Dept. Tech. Bull. 37:1-39.
  9. Kapuscinski, K. L., B. J. Belonger, S. Fajfer i T. J. Lychwick, 2006. Population dynamics of muskellunge in Wisconsin waters of Green Bay, Lake Michigan, 1989-2005. Environ. Biol. Fish.
  10. Hile, R., 1936. Age and growth of the cisco, Leucichthys artedi (LeSueur), in the lakes of the northeastern highlands, Wisconsin. Bull. U.S. Bur. Fish. 48(19):211-317.
  11. Hile, R., 1936. Summary of investigations on the morphometry of the cisco, Leucichthys artedi (Le Sueur), in the Lakes of the Northern Highland, Wisconsin. Pap. Mich. Acad. Sci. Arts & Letters 21:619-634.
  12. Wagner, G., 1911. The cisco of Green Lake, Wisconsin. Bulletin of the Natural History Society of Wisconsin, vol. 9 (núms. 1-2): 73-77.
  13. Priegel, G. R., 1975. Age and growth of the yellow bass in Lake Poygan, Wisconsin. Trans. Am. Fish. Soc. 104(3):513-515.
  14. Schueller, A. M., M. J. Hansen, S. P. Newman i C. J. Edwards, 2005. Density dependence of walleye maturity and fecundity in Big Crooked Lake, Wisconsin, 1997-2003. N. Am. J. Fish. Manage. 25:841-847.
  15. Serns, S. D., 1982. Influence of various factors on density and growth of age-0 walleyes in Escanaba Lake, Wisconsin, 1958-1980. Trans. Am. Fish. Soc. 111(3):299-306.
  16. Barron, M. G., M. J. Anderson, D. Cacela, J. Lipton, S. J. The, D. E. Hinton, J. T. Zelikoff, A. L. Dikkeboom, D. E. Tillitt, M. Holey i N. Denslow, 2000. PCBs, liver lesions and biomarker responses in adult walleye (Stizostedium vitreum vitreum) collected from Green Bay, Wisconsin. J. Great Lakes Res. 26:250-771.
  17. All fishes reported from Wisconsin, United States (contiguous states) - FishBase (anglès)


  • Amin, O. M., 1979. Lymphocystis disease in Wisconsin fishes. Journal of Fish Diseases, 2: 207–217. [1]
  • Becker, G. C., 1983. Fishes of Wisconsin. University of Wisconsin Press, Madison. 1052 p.
  • Cochran, P. A., A. A. Leisten i M. A. Sneen, 1992. Cases of predation and parasitism on lampreys in Wisconsin. J. Freshwat. Ecol. 7(4):435-436.
  • Goedde, L. E. i D. W. Coble, 1981. Effects of angling on a previously fished and an unfished warmwater fish community in two Wisconsin lakes. Trans. Am. Fish. Soc. 110(5):594-603.
  • Greene, C. W., 1935. The distribution of Wisconsin fishes. Wisconsin Conservation Commission, Madison, Wisconsin. 235 pp.
  • Hoy, P. R., 1872. Deep-water fauna of lake Michigan. Transactions of the Wisconsin Academy of Sciences Arts and Letters 1870-72: 98-101.
  • Lutterbie, G. W., 1979. Reproduction and age and growth in Wisconsin darters (Osteichthyes: Percidae). Rep. Fauna Flora Wis. 15. 44 p.
  • Lyons, J., P. A. Cochran i D. Fago, 2000. Wisconsin Fishes 2000: status and distribution. 2000: i-viii + 1-87, Pls. 1-8.
  • Lyons, J., Stewart, J. S. i Mitro, M., 2010. Predicted effects of climate warming on the distribution of 50 stream fishes in Wisconsin, U.S.A. Journal of Fish Biology, 77: 1867–1898. [2]
  • Wang, L., Lyons, J., Kanehi, P., Bannerman, R. i Emmons, E., 2000. Watershed Urbanization and Changes in Fish Communities in Southeastern Wisconsin Streams. JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 36: 1173–1189. [3]
  • Wang, L., Lyons, J. i Kanehl, P., 2002. Effects of Watershed Best Management Practices on Habitat and Fish in Wisconsin Streams. JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 38: 663–680. [4]

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