Hola, Тутовий! Sigues benvingut/uda a la Viquipèdia i al coneixement lliure. A la columna de la dreta tens els enllaços bàsics per començar.

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Don't speak Catalan?

--Carles (enraonem) 18:00, 1 oct 2015 (CEST)Respon



M'he sorprès molt agradablement amb la teva traducció al català de l'article Independentisme i regionalisme a Rússia, i m'ha agradat poder-t'hi ajudar. Tanmateix, si veus que no he sabut interpretar correctament alguna de les frases que he corregit, m'ho dius i ho arreglem de seguida. Endavant i bona feina!--Climent Sostres (disc.) 02:11, 7 oct 2015 (CEST)Respon

Thank you very much for your corrections! Here I should ask your excuse for writing in English, but it should work much better than my lame Catalan. Yes, there are a couple of things that I would like to change. First, I meant that republics of Russia proclaimed sovereignty in 1990-1992 (early 1990s), not republics of the USSR. These were mere proclamations: most republics did not take steps to actual independence, but references to sovereignty of republics of Russia stayed in their constitutions till late 2000s. Second, I meant to say that regional parties had been prohibited in Russia since early 2000s, not since year 2000. It appears to be a process that took several years, and I just didn't care to look up the sources for precise dates. Thank you very much again, and sorry for writing an article in such a broken language. By the way, here's something that might be interesting for you: Catalan nationalists met with those from the Russian empire in 1916: see Unió de Nacions. --Тутовий (disc.) 06:25, 7 oct 2015 (CEST)Respon
Aquest cop espero haver sabut interpretar correctament la teva idea, però podem seguir col·laborant, si cal. Una altra cosa: a la Viquipèdia, és norma força acceptada contestar a la pàgina de discussió de l'altre, no a la pròpia. Però no passa res. Salut!--Climent Sostres (disc.) 01:05, 8 oct 2015 (CEST)Respon
A disposar! Si puc, seguiré ajudant-te tant com calgui.--Climent Sostres (disc.) 23:00, 12 oct 2015 (CEST)Respon



Hello Tutobi :) I really appreciate your contributions in Catalan Wikipedia. So do not hesitate that we will try to improve and review these articles, because knowledge does not know frontiers. Of course, your suggestions as Ukrainian native speaker will be welcome. By the way, I think your nick in Russian means "silkworm" ("cuc de seda" in Catalan). Is this correct or perhaps in your language has another meaning ? --MALLUS (disc.) 10:19, 10 oct 2015 (CEST)Respon

Hi, again. Regarding the matter of appurtenance of several cities to Russia / Ukraine, we had several discussions about the item, and we did not reach an agreement. From my point of view, Odessa (for exemple) belongs to Ukraine, according international law. But in fact, is under the rule of Russia. When I wrote the article ca:Llista de ciutats d'Ucraïna I included the cities from Crimea, adding that this appurtenance is under discussion. Personally, I'm pro-Ukrainian, but Wikipedia is a encyclopaedia and the neutrality has to be preserved. Perhaps the best solution could be something like this: "the city officially belongs to Ukraine, but in fact, as the rest of Crimea Peninsula, now is under the rule of Russia". Do you agree it ? --MALLUS (disc.) 21:30, 13 oct 2015 (CEST)Respon
Hi, again ! Regarding this matter, my choice was as follow: Officially, the city belongs to Ukraine, but de facto is under the sovereignty of Russia. I've changed it in articles ca:Ialta and ca:Sebastòpol. --MALLUS (disc.) 20:58, 3 nov 2015 (CET)Respon