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Non-Catalan? Ca-0? See Babel ca-0 and our welcome in English.

Voleu comentar aquest missatge?

Salutacions cordials

--Carles (enraonem) 23:13, 2 ago 2011 (CEST)Respon

Manquen referències a Mini Israel


Hola פארוק,

recordeu que la Viquipèdia no és una font primària. Per això, en crear o ampliar un article, heu de citar les fonts d'on heu extret o adaptat la informació per a que els lectors puguin verificar i valorar els continguts que heu aportat.

Us encoratgem a que treballeu en millorar l'article en aquests sentits. Podeu aprendre com citar les fonts aquí. Tota informació no verificable pot ser posada en dubte o eliminada. Si teniu algun dubte podeu deixar-me un missatge a la pàgina de discussió, traslladar-lo a la La taverna o, directament, al xat.
Aquest recordatori és en motiu de l'article Mini Israel. --Pau Cabot · Discussió 23:28, 8 ago 2012 (CEST)Respon

Quick translation: You need to cite sources for your article.   Pau Cabot · Discussió 09:17, 9 ago 2012 (CEST)Respon
== Manquen referències a Abir ==

Hola פארוק,

recordeu que la Viquipèdia no és una font primària. Per això, en crear o ampliar un article, heu de citar les fonts d'on heu extret o adaptat la informació per a que els lectors puguin verificar i valorar els continguts que heu aportat.

Us encoratgem a que treballeu en millorar l'article en aquests sentits. Podeu aprendre com citar les fonts aquí. Tota informació no verificable pot ser posada en dubte o eliminada. Si teniu algun dubte podeu deixar-me un missatge a la pàgina de discussió, traslladar-lo a la La taverna o, directament, al xat.
Aquest recordatori és en motiu de l'article Abir. --Bestiasonica (disc.) 17:28, 15 oct 2012 (CEST)Respon

Bon dia/shalom, sisplau, ajuda'ns!


Benvolgut company, primer de tot perdona'm aquesta intrusió. T'escric per a demanar-te ajuda. Ja fa molts anys que l'associació Amical de la Viquipèdia mira de donar al català un estatus equivalent al de les altres llengües demanant la creació d'un Chapter català, cosa que fins ara ha estat denegada pretextant el fet que els catalans no tenen estat propi. La nostra llengua catalana i els companys d'Amical que treballen de valent per a la promoció del català i alhora del coneixement lliure de pertot, necessiten la teua ajuda. Sisplau/fes-nos el favor, signa a l'enllaç següent per a que es puga veure internacionalment que existim i tenim empenta i sobretot que els catalanoparlants han/hem de rebre el mateix tracte que tots els altres, tinguen estat o no. Gràcies per endavant, que et vaja tot molt bé. Records, Claudi/Capsot (disc.) 14:00, 27 març 2013 (CET)Respon

My deepest apologies, I had seen you had made some contributions here, so I thought you had a good knowledge of Catalan. I wish I could speak (or write!) Hebrew but infortunately I am a real ignoramus even though I am fascinated by your script... Well, the message referred to the fact that in spite of trying to become a Wikimedia Chapter for a long time, our pledge has been mainly ignored for years and we have found nothing but impediments since Catalans do not have a state of their own. Amical which is the association linked/representing the Catalan wikipedia has applied lately to be a Thematic Organization but even with this underrated status, we meet constantly with obstacles. The main fact is that I/we don't think that there should be impediments (like being a state for instance) to create entities that prove daily they are worth and need some recognition and support from Wikimedia. If you need more information about it all, you can find it in Meta where the signing link directs and typing Wikimedia CAT, it is also in English so it will prove more understandable. If you support our plea and think our cause is just, that is that there should be a Catalan Chapter/or Thematic Organization, then you can sign following the link which is "enllaç següent". Thanks again for your contributions here and for the time spent reading/listening this message and trying to decypher the previous one. Take care, wish you all the best and I hope you will let us know more about Israel or the Hebrew language, literature and/or customs. Have wonderful and sunny days, weeks and months! CLaudi/Capsot (disc.) 21:39, 27 març 2013 (CET)Respon
Thank you so much. It would be great to have more people from the Hebrew wikipedia among the supporterss but well I(/we) wouldn't want you to have some trouble there because of us, this is a very sensitive issue and some could argue it is some kind of sollicitation that shouldn't be allowed in the Wikipedias, so if you should do it, be careful. And thanks again for being so nice and understanding. If you should need something from me (about Catalan or Occitan or anything else) just let me know I'll be really glad to help. Have a good night and take real care. I wish you and your people all the best. Bye! Claudi/Capsot (disc.) 00:19, 28 març 2013 (CET)Respon
Indeed, I am really grateful of what you have done. I tried to take a look at your wikipedia but well as usual I get lost there, not knowing where to find things and not being able to read/recognize anything. If you ever happen to be around Perpinyà/Perpignan or wish to visit the place, just let me know I'll be glad to have you in my home. Thanks again, take real care and have a good night and wonderful dreams. All the best, Claudi/Capsot (disc.) 23:39, 28 març 2013 (CET)Respon
Sorry, but I am not really able to place any message there. Moreover I think that some wikipedians wrote there and I guess I have been able to see that one of them is Asaf and since I can't read/understand what they say I don't want to create any trouble there (I could write my message in a bad place and well who knows...). I will be going to sleep right now, thanks again for what you've done and if you can tell me more about what happened/was written after your message, I'll be once more really grateful. Have a good night and take real care. Claudi/Capsot (disc.) 00:20, 29 març 2013 (CET)Respon
Just a few more words before going to bed. What I intend to do is to show that the yet unaccepted Catalan chapter/Thematic Organization has reached a real support from editors, especially within the Catalan community, because in spite of not being recognized people can see what has been accomplished, and they trust Amical (I wish I could say the same about most of the Chapters). After many unsuccessful tries to be recognized as a Chapter but well the rule is no state=no chapter, Amical has finally been applying for a new model (the whole concept actually came from Gomà, Amical's president): the Thematic Organization. But even there, the process is neverending, and there are always obstacles in the way. So, since the whole thing is biased from the beginning (Catalans prove to be a reak pain since without any support they do better than many other chapters...), my goal is to show that Amical is in phase with the Catalan wikipedians, and that their support can help change things, and probably some day gain an official recognition from (and also the support of) the Wikimedia Foundation. We work on democratic rules, the voices of the people, not many institutions of the Wikimedia could say the same...
I really hope I was clear enough, if I wasn't just let me know, I'll try to find better ways to explain. Bye! Claudi/Capsot (disc.) 00:33, 29 març 2013 (CET)Respon

A bit more...


Hi Farooq (sorry if I mispell your name, I've checked the translator in order to understand what was said in the Hebrew tavern and thought it would be nice to get to know your name too)

I hope you are doing fine today. I don't have much time to explain things more thoroughly since I am at work (I am a teacher in High school near Perpinyà/Perpignan, southern France) and have only less than one hour left before going back to work. If you are willing to listen to me, I'll tell you more about it this evening if my kids (I have 2 kids aged 10 and 5) don't happen to take too much of my time (here's a link with a picture when I concurred to the Board's elections).

I deeply apologize if I have brought you trouble, you are a really nice and noble at heart person, and it really wasn't my intention to cause you problems. To be clear, and I think Asaf (who as I think you know is a prominent member of the Wikimedia Foundation), who I think is a learned, nice, decent and honest person, explained it (at least partially): it has nothing to do with the situation of Catalan in Spain or even Europe, it isn't exactly politic, even if it is a politicized issue (dealing with minorized languages always happen to be this way... unfortunately...). It is all about having the same opportunity to become a recognized organization within the Wikimedia movement even though Catalans do not have a state. The biggest problem you faced, in my opinion, is that you did not know much about the superstructures of the Wikimedia world, that is, there are 1) the Wikipedias that are mainly cultural, 2) the Wikimedia Foundation that is at the top of it all and is some kind of legal body, mainframe of the Wikipedias and then 3) in the middle many structures like the Chapters, the Affiliation Committee and a nebula of other things 4) like Meta, which is some kind of technical/political structure, that is not much linked to the wikipedias actually. And in those spheres a lot of things are cooking/going on and the average wikipedian does not know anything about it... unfortunately.... Transparency is a virtue rather scarse in the Wikimedia kingdoms...

On the other hand I kind of understand you withdrew your support, as I think Asaf said: (I am not sure of what he said precisely since I used Google's translation and it is far from really good...) it is better or wiser to understand the whole situation before making a decision even if your support doesn't really imply any real risk for you (you noticed we reached a great support and well people are not stupid: they would not have given us support if they thought our cause was not just...). My biggest problem currently is to imagine that you could see me as a manipulative person or a liar, which is not absolutely the case. I may be called many things but probably not this. Again I'll write more if you want to know what I have to say, I don't want to bother more if my messages might not be wanted or appreciated. Again I am really sorry for what happened and even more if I currently bother you. You can even erase my messages, I won't hold any grudges against it. Wish you all the best! Have a nice and sunny day, Claudi/Capsot (disc.) 11:18, 29 març 2013 (CET)Respon

Hi, I hope you are doing fine. Don't worry, take your time if you really wish to know what Amical is doing, you can have a small glimpse here: report February, then with the arrows you can see the previous activities. If you are interested I can tell you more about them even if I am not a member anymore, but well, even Asaf would admit it, they are doing a really good job. The main problem is to gain a status within the Wikimedia organizations, that depends mainly on the fact that Catalans do not have a state; that is borderlines are more important than freedom of knowledge that implies there shouldn't be (statal) obstacles in the way, but well that's my opinion...
The discussion about finally getting to be a Thematic Organization is here: [1], the person representing the Affiliations Committee is Raystorm, a Spanish wikipedian who happened to be an influent member of Wikimedia Spain (a body fiercely opposed to the creation of a Catalan chapter), a curious choice actually knowing that this person could hardly be impartial, and at the same time she is not the president of the Committee either (I think this issue should be mastered by the president not just a member, but I might be wrong...). Then the other members of the Committee delaying the decisions... are Maor X, a Venezuelan user (that is a Spanish speaking person..., also member of Iberocoop, another entity (centered mainly around the Spanish language) pretty hostile to Amical) and then Salvador Alc who happens also to be (by chance?) a speaker of Spanish (from Mexico) and also probably a member of Iberocoop.
These persons were chosen (there are no elections in the Affiliations Committee, probably the only body that has such obscure policies and lacks transparency within the Wikimedia world) on February 12th and well they were asking questions (actually delaying and throwing obstacles in the way...) two days after being chosen (no other member of the Affcom intervened in 2013, strange isn't it?) which is not exactly what you would expect from newbies (I mean that when I go to a new place I tend to be shy and cautious... so it takes me some time to do many things)...
Well, I don't want to bother you much more, take care and have a wonderful week! Best regards, Claudi/Capsot (disc.) 00:12, 4 abr 2013 (CEST)Respon

RE: Hi


[2] --Judesba (digues...) 19:28, 26 nov 2013 (CET)Respon

Manquen referències a Sarona


Hola פארוק,

recordeu que la Viquipèdia no és una font primària. Per això, en crear o ampliar un article, heu de citar les fonts d'on heu extret o adaptat la informació per a que els lectors puguin verificar i valorar els continguts que heu aportat.

Us encoratgem a treballar per millorar l'article en aquest sentit. Podeu aprendre a citar les fonts aquí. Tota informació no verificable pot ser posada en dubte o eliminada. Si teniu algun dubte, podeu deixar-me un missatge a la pàgina de discussió, traslladar-lo a la La taverna o, directament, al xat.
Aquest recordatori és en motiu de l'article Sarona.

A small translation: Please add some references to Sarona. Thanks! --gerardduenasparlem-ne 12:28, 30 jul 2015 (CEST)Respon

Automatic translation of Neot Kedumim


Hello, פארוק.

Traducció defectuosa.

The article «Neot Kedumim» that you created is not a good catalan translation and it seems to be an automatic one. If it is not improved shortly, it may be speedily deleted. You should not create articles in Catalan Wikipedia if you're not able to understand catalan to review automatic translations. Pau Cabot · Discussió 08:19, 21 set 2015 (CEST)Respon

Automatic translation of Mont de les Oliveres Cementiri Jueu


Hello, פארוק.

Traducció defectuosa.

The article «Mont de les Oliveres Cementiri Jueu» that you created is not a good catalan translation and it seems to be an automatic one. If it is not improved shortly, it may be speedily deleted. You should not create articles in Catalan Wikipedia if you're not able to understand catalan to review automatic translations.

Pau Cabot · Discussió 17:50, 22 set 2015 (CEST)Respon

Usuarified articles


As the translation is very poor for the article and its hardly readable in catalan, the article is been removed from the main area and usuarified so you can translate it better or find a sponsor who will. --Panotxa (disc.) 07:11, 25 set 2015 (CEST)Respon

Automatic translation of Ciutat de David


Hello, פארוק.

Traducció defectuosa.

The article «Ciutat de David» that you created is not a good catalan translation and it seems to be an automatic one. If it is not improved shortly, it may be speedily deleted. You should not create articles in Catalan Wikipedia if you're not able to understand catalan to review automatic translations.

Pau Cabot · Discussió 07:26, 25 set 2015 (CEST)Respon

L'Institut del Temple


Hola, פארוק.

Traducció defectuosa.

L'article «L'Institut del Temple» que heu creat sembla una traducció automàtica defectuosa. Si no es millora en breu, podria ser esborrat. No hauríeu de crear articles a la Viquipèdia si no sou capaços de revisar-ne les traduccions automàtiques.
Hello, פארוק. The article «L'Institut del Temple» that you created is not a good catalan translation and it seems to be an automatic one. If it is not improved shortly, it may be speedily deleted. You should not create articles in Catalan Wikipedia if you're not able to understand catalan to review automatic translations.

Pau Cabot · Discussió 10:51, 4 oct 2015 (CEST)Respon

Hi! Thank you!


Hello, I hope you and your people are doing fine. Sorry if my answer comes a bit late, but I'm not (really) active in this wikipedia. Thanks for your message and comments, since then many things have changed and a Catalan association was finally accepted a few years ago... so our actions bore fruit even if it's not really a chapter yet, but then who knows what will happen next! Take real care, I wish you all the best, and again thanks for passing by and leaving your message! I'll tell you the same if you should need some help about Catalan or/and Occitan, just leave me a message! Bye, have a great Sunday! Claudi/Capsot (disc.) 15:51, 11 oct 2015 (CEST)Respon

Manca de referències a l'article del Mont de les oliveres


Hola, פארוק.

L'article del Mont de les Oliveres en el que estàs treballant no té cap referència i segons les normes d'admissibilitat de la Viquipèdia, això no és correcte i pot ser causa d'eliminació d'un article. Com que estic segur que n'hi deu haver moltíssimes d'aquest indret, si us plau, afegeix-ne i podrem treure la plantilla que ara hi ha posada de "Falten referències". Gràcies d'avançada. --papapep (disc.) 13:47, 14 oct 2015 (CEST)Respon