Llista de peixos de l'Oceà Àrtic

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Aquesta llista de peixos de l'Oceà Àrtic inclou les 123 espècies de peixos que es poden trobar a l'oceà Àrtic ordenades per l'ordre alfabètic de llur nom científic.

A modifica

B modifica

C modifica

Anarhichas denticulatus
Anarrhichthys ocellatus
Amblyraja radiata
Ammodytes dubius
Artediellus uncinatus
Coregonus clupeaformis
Bacallà polar (Boreogadus saida)

D modifica

E modifica

Eleginus gracilis

G modifica

Gymnelus hemifasciatus
Gymnocanthus tricuspis

H modifica

Hemilepidotus papilio
Hippoglossoides robustus

I modifica

Icelus spatula

L modifica

Liparis fabricii
Lycodes frigidus
Lycodes vahlii
Lycodes mucosus
Lycodes reticulatus 2.jpg

M modifica

Capelí (Mallotus villosus)
Escorpí de mar d'espines curtes (Myoxocephalus scorpius)

O modifica

Oncorhynchus mykiss
Alevins de salmó keta (Oncorhynchus keta)
Salmó vermell (Oncorhynchus nerka)
Salmó rosat del Pacífic (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha)
Oncorhynchus tschawytscha
Salmó platejat (Oncorhynchus kisutch)

P modifica

Llampresa de mar (Petromyzon marinus)
Pholis gunnellus
Platichthys flesus
Prosopium cylindraceum
Pungitius pungitius
Peix carboner (Pollachius virens)
Palaia anglesa (Pleuronectes platessa)

R modifica

Halibut negre (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides)

S modifica

Tauró dormilega del Pacífic (Somniosus pacificus)
Salmó (Salmo salar)
Tauró de Groenlàndia (Somniosus microcephalus)

T modifica

Triglops pingelii

U modifica

Z modifica

Gall de Sant Pere (Zeus faber)

Referències modifica

  1. FishBase (anglès)

Bibliografia modifica

  • Able, K. W., 1990: A revision of Arctic snailfishes of the genus Liparis (Scorpaeniformes: Cyclopteridae). Copeia 1990 (núm. 2): 476-492.
  • Bean, T. H., 1879: Contributions to the natural history of Arctic America, made in connection with the Howgate polar expedition (1877-1878). Fishes collected in Cumberland Gulf and Disko Bay. Bulletin of the United States National Museum v. 15: 107-138.
  • Fowler, H. W., 1905: Notes on some arctic fishes, with a description of a new Oncocottus. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia v. 57: 362-370.
  • Gill, T. N., 1864: Note on the paralepidoids and microstomatoids, and on some peculiarities of Arctic ichthyology. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia v. 16 (núm. 4): 187-189.
  • Günther, A., 1877: Account of the fishes collected by Capt. Feilden between 78° and 83° N. lat., during the Arctic Expedition 1875-1876. The Journal of the Linnean Society of London. Zoology 1877: 293-295, Pl. 32.
  • Günther, A., 1877: Report on a collection of fishes made by Mr. C. Hart during the late Arctic Expedition. The Journal of the Linnean Society of London. Zoology 1877: 475-477, Pl. 50.
  • Mecklenburg, C. W., D. L. Stein, B. A. Sheiko, N. V. Chernova, T. A. Mecklenburg et al., 2007: Russian-American long-term census of the Arctic: benthic fishes trawled in the Chukchi Sea and Bering Strait, agost de 2004. Northwestern Naturalist v. 88: 168-187.
  • Nielsen, J. G. i J. M. Jensen, 1967: Revision of the Arctic cod genus, Arctogadus (Pisces, Gadidae). Meddelelser om Grønland v. 184 (núm. 2): 1-28, Pl. 1.
  • Pennant, T., 1787: Supplement to the Arctic zoology. Henry Hughs, Londres. Supplement to the Arctic zoology.: i-viii + 1-163 + 2 foldout maps.
  • Scofield, N. B., 1899: List of fishes obtained in the waters of Arctic Alaska. A Jordan, D. S., Fur seals, and fur-seal islands of the North Pacific Ocean. Part 3. Washington DC, 493-509, Pls. 42 i 74.

Enllaços externs modifica