Atès q de més de 100.000 només hi soc jo, però que et penses que no m'hi passo temps fora de, ja he dit a un altre lloc que m0hi he passat 60 hores el final de setmana.. mira em dedicaré a anar posant ací totes les correccions que fas als meus articles, pke la gent vegi la feina tant important q fas.. però a part d'alguna correcció ortogràfica ..que agraeixo, et dediques a a la tasca important de posar el Vegeu també al final.. creus q et pots erigir com a jutge pq has millorat enormement (incloent 8 anys de vacances motius personals): "".. no es millora així "'s-Tools.htm" o desmanant-li al Jimbo el 2010 que creés, l'editor visual (davant de 500 testimonis.. a la sala d'actes hi havia a part del meu fill que ens va fer la foto al carrer.. en Gomà, en Carles, que ho nega, en Pau, en CDani, na Mayo, en Capsot, en Góngora transcric el meu speech (i arguments) amb el Jim Wales, al que em va contestar dient que l'havia convençut :
Hi Jim, congratulations for "wikitext", you have achieved a great language much easier to learn to edit than the cumbersome "hypertext", but today there are plenty of "wysiwyg" editors for "hypertext" and none for "wikitext", wich represent its main drawback to be used by "full of knowledge" lawyers, architects, writers of my generation unable to become..ever.. "skilled wikitext editors".. , nevertheless they are able to edit with "wysiwyg" editors like "word", etc..Back in 1987 I saw at Macworld-Boston (as a member of Apple Spain) the presentation of "Hypercard" wich gave birth a bit later to the "Berners-Lee hypertext", very complicated and difficult to edit (impossible for non professionals..) but boom!, the 20 following years gave birth to hundreds of "wysiwyg" editors for "hypertext", making it usable by everybody professional or not not..That's what Wikipedia needs, a "wysiwyg" editor able to be used not only by newcomers (a newcomer arrives to be a skilled editor in a couple of weeks..) but by anyone else specially the "professionals of a certain age with great knowledge" I've mentioned before, that will end their editing days without becoming "skilled wikitext editors"...
Jimbo answer: so we are losing a big amount of "full of knowledge" lawyers, architects, writers, etc.. that will never be.. "skilled wikitext editors".. don't worry ..we will have a "visual editor" in two years 2012...
I.. encara que amb una mica de retard ha complert la seva paraula..